As a parent, you’ll know that muslin cloths and swaddles are a must-have at home and out and about. A staple when you have a newborn or toddler, you can never have too many either! A bamboo muslin is the softest choice you can make for your little one, so take some time to relax and discover everything you need to know about muslins, and why they’re so important.
What are muslin cloths?
A muslin cloth is a lightweight, breathable and soft cloth typically used for baby care. The texture is typically very smooth, and muslins tend to be super absorbent – a must when it comes to little ones! Thin and breathable, they have plenty of uses that make them a staple for spillages, swaddling and snuggling…
Traditionally, muslin cloths are made from cotton. These cloths are readily available and relatively cheap to purchase, but cotton is not always the best material for your baby’s skin or for the planet. Some muslins, particularly from high end brands, are made of silk – luxuriously soft and delicate, but often not the most baby-friendly fabric!
And of course, there’s bamboo! This wonder fabric combines the softness and breathability of other materials with an unmatched level of durability so your muslin cloths will last for years of happy memories. Naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic and getting softer with every wash, bamboo is a natural winner.
![[MuslinSquares] Panda London Squares Origami Collection 01](
What are muslin cloths used for?
Muslin squares have so many incredible uses – some you might not even have thought of yet! If you’re thinking to yourself ‘why do you need muslin squares for babies?’ or you’ve ever asked ‘are muslin cloths safe for babies to sleep with?’ then buckle in and get ready to find out the answer to all of your burning muslin-related questions…
Muslin cloths, typically squares, are used for burping babies or for a bit of added privacy when breastfeeding. They also come in handy for mopping up spilt milk and spit, as they’re super absorbent, and they’re quite often used to cover a changing mat to provide extra comfort for little ones. You might even use a muslin on its own to change your little one, when you’re out and about and don’t have a mat with you!
On hot weather days, a muslin cloth makes an excellent lightweight blanket for nap times – especially when you’re out and about. They provide some sun protection too, although they shouldn’t be solely relied on for protecting your baby from UV rays. The lightweight fabric is breathable enough to cover the pram without your little one overheating.
Can you swaddle a baby in a muslin cloth?
Swaddling is a great way to soothe and comfort your baby, especially when they’re a tiny newborn. It provides a feeling of security akin to being in the womb, which is why so many babies find this snuggly sleep set-up to be the very best. Muslin squares might be too small to swaddle your baby, but you can buy specific muslin swaddles which are just the right size for providing snug, breathable comfort.
The soft, breathable nature of muslin – and especially a bamboo muslin – makes it ideal for wrapping babies snugly. Because the fabric is so lightweight, it’s the perfect choice and completely safe for sleeping.
What are the benefits of using a muslin cloth for babies?
There are so many incredible benefits to using muslin cloths as a parent. Versatility is one thing; a muslin has so many different uses and as a new mum or dad, it can be overwhelming to know exactly what you need at any one time. Having these soft, lightweight, multi-use cloths in your arsenal means you can cover a whole range of scenarios with just one product. From mopping up baby spit to creating from shade for a sunny afternoon snooze, you’re good to go.
Bamboo muslins especially are so soft on babies’ skin – and at this age, their delicate skin can be incredibly sensitive or prone to rashes. We all want to do whatever we can to protect our little ones and ensure they’re comfortable at all times, which is why a soft muslin is the perfect addition to your stash of baby items. The bonus is that they’re so lightweight they take up hardly any space at all! More room for all those toys and adorable outfits…
When it comes down to the benefits of specifically choosing bamboo muslins, there are so many! Bamboo is an eco-friendly fabric, requiring a third less water than cotton to grow – with no nasty pesticides needed either. This means it’s much better for the planet and for your little one. Naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic, ultra-absorbent and thermoregulating, it’s the ultimate choice for keeping little ones safe and healthy.
And one of the best benefits of a bamboo baby muslin for new parents? It’s really easy to clean and dry, and gets softer with every single wash. What more could you ask for?!

Are muslins safe for babies to sleep with?
One key concern for parents, of course, is the safety of their baby. So is it safe for babies to sleep with a muslin? The answer is yes, but there are of course a few things to bear in mind. You can swaddle a newborn in a breathable muslin, but babies shouldn’t have a blanket until they’re around a year old. Nothing too big, so there’s not too much excess fabric, but enough to cover them comfortably.
Bamboo fabric is thermoregulating and reacts to your baby’s temperature, keeping them cool on warm nights and cosy when it’s cold. Always keep an eye on your little one to ensure the muslin, when used as a blanket, isn’t covering too much of their face. While it’s a breathable material, it’s still best to keep their mouth and nose free of any fabric.
How many muslin cloths do I need for my baby?
You’ll know by now that babies typically come with a lot of stuff – from outfits to teddies to cribs and first aid kits and so much more. Muslins are another thing to add to the list, but they come in so handy that it’s one purchase you won’t regret! It’s recommended to have around 6-10 cloths in your stash; this way you’ll never be without one when some are in the wash, and you’ll be able to keep spares in your nappy bag, car, and all around the house.
How to clean and care for muslin cloths
Bamboo muslin cloths get softer with every wash, so don’t be afraid of popping them in the machine on a regular basis to keep things fresh and hygienic for your little one. We recommend washing at around 30°C, but sometimes you might prefer to opt for a bit of a hotter temperature to kill germs and bacteria! Avoid the tumble drier and dry naturally, even outside where you can. Always check the care labels for your specific muslins to ensure you look after them, so you can use them for all of your baby’s special moments. Don’t use bleach or overly scented cleaning products, as these can absolutely irritate your little one’s skin and even damage the fabric.
Muslins are a must-have for parents and babies; they have so many uses, and they’re delicate enough for little ones’ skin. So if you’ve been wondering how to use muslin cloth for baby care, hopefully you’ve found some answers!
Explore our Panda Kids™ range to find more dreamy bamboo products to help make parenting a breeze.